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Customer Feedback for ChamberMaster

Knowledge Base

  1. Billing 

    1. How to mark an invoice as paid in QuickBooks
    2. I'd like to move from using CQI to ChamberMaster's Billing System.
    3. I'm getting an error when trying to do Journal Entry Exporting to QuickBooks
    4. Remove Header/Footer from Invoices
    5. Removing a customer from the Other Names list in QuickBooks.
  2. Communication 

    1. How do I locate the Saved Templates for Communication
    2. How has unsubscribed from emails and how do I enable them?
    3. How to Email ChamberMaster Login Credentials to Your Members
    4. Mailing Label Settings
    5. New Email to Multiple Members
  3. Email Hosting  

    1. What mail servers does mail come from when I send email to my members through ChamberMaster?
  4. Events 

    1. Can staff be notified when someone registers for an Event?
    2. Disable Event Registration by Date
    3. Limiting attendees per Event
  5. Groups 

    1. How to create a Group from a Custom Report
  6. LiveEdit 

    1. What types of image files are supported by LiveEdit? And are there any file size limits?
  7. Members 

    1. Can members change their category?
    2. Do you have videos for our Members to view?
  8. Other Resources 

    1. How can I create a QR code for an events page or other modules?
    2. What credit card options are available?
  9. QuickBooks 

    1. How do I reconnect to QuickBooks
  10. Social Networking Connection 

    1. Reconnecting to Facebook
  11. All articles 

    1. How do I reconnect to QuickBooks
    2. Reconnecting to Facebook
    3. How do I locate the Saved Templates for Communication
    4. Can members change their category?
    5. How to create a Group from a Custom Report
    29 articles 

Feedback and Knowledge Base

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